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Session 3: MNIST Classification, Feedforward NN

Session 4: Search Mechanisms

Session 5: Informed Search Methods (GA Example)

Session 5: GA to train a Perception

Session 6: Probability and Statistics for AI & Machine Learning

Session 7: Document Classification using Naive Bayes Classifier.

Session 8: Principal Component Analysis

Session 10: Linear Regression

Session 11: Gradient Descent Method for Optimization

Session 11: Linear Regression, Gradient Descent W/O-Fearure Scaling

Session 11: Linear Regression, Gradient Descent with Feature Scaling

Session 11: Linear Regression with Stochastic Gradient Descent w Feature Scaling

Session 11: Linear Regression with Mini-Batch Gradient Descent w Feature Scaling

Session 12: Implementing an AND gate with a Perceptron

Session 12: Implementing an XOR gate with a Perceptron (Mission NOT Accomplished!)

Session 12: Implementing an XOR gate with a Feedforward Neural Network

Session 13: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, the main idea

Session 14: K-Fold Validation

Session 14: Grid Search for Tuning Hyperparameters

Session 14: Grid Search for Designing a Deep Feedforward Network

Session 17: Session 17: Feedforward NN: Overfitting and Underfitting

Session 17: Session 17: Feedforward NN: Overfitting and Underfitting (IMDB Reviews)

Session 18: DNNs are not robust to rotation or shifts of inputs.

Session 18: CNN

Session 19: CNNs: overfitting, data augmentation, and transfer learning

Session 20: Homework: Regression with DNN, advanced Optimization (beyond SGD)

Session 21: Working with text

Session 21: Implementing a basic RNN

Session 21: Simple RNN for text classification

Session 22: The Simpsons homework (Convolutional Neural Network)

Session 24: GANs to generate MNIST-like images

Session 26: DCGANs

Session 26: CGANs

Session 27: OpenAI Gym